Pastor’s Words
Boston Metrowest Bible Church (BMWBC) was established on October 1, 2006. We uphold the Bible, preach the truth of Jesus Christ and His crucifixion as the gospel, and lead people to trust in Jesus.
We guide brothers and sisters to grow in spititual lives, not only to be saved, but to be overcomers. We actively participate in the Great Commission and encourage brothers and sisters to actively participate in community care. The church seek to emit the light of the truth and Jesus’ love to near and far away.
BMWBC is a big family loving each other. We welcome every friend to our midst. Let us come to know and worship Jesus together so that our lives will be renewed to be more like Jesus.
Pastor Jianchuan Shi
- 是舉目看田的教會
- 是禱告上主的教會
- 是差遣工人的教會
BMWBC’s Vision
- A Church that looks at the harvest field
- A Church that asks the Lord of the harvest
- A Church that sends forth workers
- 我們是基督耶穌的門徒
- 要成為具有基督的性情、彼此相愛
- 從西區直到遠方傳揚福音
- 分享上帝的愛和祝福
- 拓展基督的國度
BMWBC‘s Purpose Statement
- We are Disciples of Jesus Christ
- To be Christ-like, loving each other
- To spread the Gospel from Metrowest to the end of the earth
- To share God’s love and blessings
- To extend God’s Kingdom
- 使慕道友成為信徒
- 使信徒成為門徒
- 使門徒成為得勝者
BMWBC‘s Goals
- To turn Seekers into Believers
- To turn Believers into Disciples
- To turn Disciples into One Who Overcomes
主日崇拜: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
周五团契: 7:45 pm – 9:30 pm |
周二祷告: 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm |