青少年团契 (Youth Group)
L.I.G.H.T. — BMWBC Youth Fellowship (6th-12th graders)
Mission: A genuine community of junior high and high school students where they will experience a real and living God who cares about them and their life. They will also learn to connect with others and to God’s family.
Program: includes praise time and worship, small group discussion and prayers, games, movies, and special workshops. The youth will also be involved in special projects during the school year, including parents’ appreciation night, community service, leading the Church’s annual harvest fair, and worship with the AWANA children. There is no youth program during the summer. Instead, the youth will plan and lead VBS. We also hold a celebration for the birthday teens once a month.
For this coming school year (2015-2016), the youth group setting is modified in order to enhance Friday youth fellowship.
9th-12th grades will be reading and discussing 1 John. They will divide into 2 small groups led by counselors (2-3 times/month) and baptized youth (1/month).
6th-8th Girls and 7th-8th Boys will use AWANA bible study materials: “Trek GPS: God’s Positioning System for your Trek – Exploring the Bible” and “Trek Detour: Getting Through Tough Times by Following God and His Word” .
The 6th grade Boys will have fun activities and AWANA material Trek: Yield: Responding to God’s Faithfulness: Getting Through Tough Times by Following God’s Faithfulness, with examples from the lives of Rahab, Ruth, David, Josiah, Asa, Esther, Isaiah, Daniel, Mary, and Lydia. Topics addressing common life questions will include “How to stop doing something I know is wrong”, “How to make my parents happy”, “How do I find peace in my life”……
The Friday night schedule is as follows:
7:45pm-8:00pm Chat with friends
8:00pm-8:30pm Praise and worship
8:30pm-9:30pm Small groups/special activities
Grades 6: | Alvin Rasmus (ajr1969@yahoo.com) George Lu (georgelu@dow.com) Donghai Ma (donghaima@gmail.com) |
Grades 7 & 8 Girls: | Cathy Trotter Wilson (cst@alum.mit.edu) Abby Gao (abby.gao@gmail.com) |
Grades 7 & 8 Boys: | Kevin Wilson (Wilson@alum.mit.edu) Kevin Hong Gu (hong.k.gu@gmail.com) Feng Xie (fxie1012@yahoo.com) |
Grades 9-12: | Kevin Yue (fiicere@gmail.com) Charis Gillman (gillmanc3@gmail.com) June Li (junekli@aol.com) Johnny Jun Yang (johnny.Jun.Yang@gmail.com) |
Parents liaison: | Yining Wang (yiningwang2002@yahoo.com) Haihong Chen (hhchen2002@yahoo.com) |